Sunday, July 23, 2006

Nothing Ever Lasts

Well I've been pretty busy the past 30 days, thus the lack of posting. But one thing I wanted to discuss was how things here in Second Life are very transitory. What do I mean by that? Take for example nightclubs. I've not even been around 3 months yet, but I've easily seen half a dozen venues come and go. Some were better that others, but just didn't survive. Why? I couldn't tell ya, but it seems to be the norm. Are we all fickle? Or do we just bored of the same old stuff pretty quick? Granted there are some clubs that are still doing well, but I'd hazzard to say that the majority of venues shut down or get abandoned after a short time.

At least the majority of the people I've become friends are not like that, thank the gods.

1 comment:

ipenda keynes said...

Great to see some new posts, Elum! A lot of places have been going through changes, not just the clubs. I've also lost a few friends because of it!

Hope you're doing well.