Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Loss

The other day was a sad one. I logged on to find a message from my best friend with a simple "I'm Sorry". At first I wasn't sure what she was referring to, but then I saw that all my stuff that was on her land was sent back to me. With a heavy heart and fearing the worst I went to where her house was, and everything was gone, and the land given back to Governor Linden. In my short life here, that was the most depressing day I'd ever had. It's amazing how a friendship that was quickly made was so quickly over. The questions started running through my mind, what happened, was it something I did, is she ok? I guess I'll never know, but I'll always remember the good times and hope for a return.

1 comment:

ipenda keynes said...

Aww...that *is* very sad. I know exactly how you feel, having experiences a similar (not as drastic) loss.
I hope everything turns out for the best, Elum.